The Radius Search application allows you to filter contacts located within a specified area into Contact Lists inside of Eloqua. It's a Cloud Action step that can be dropped right into Eloqua campaigns. The steps below will outline how to setup and configure the Radius app.
1.Once the application is installed, begin by opening up a new campaign inside of Eloqua
2. Once you reach the campaign canvas, drag and drop a Segment Member step, a Radius Search step, and a Wait step onto the campaign canvas and connect them all, like so:
3. Double click within the Radius Search step, and click the edit icon (pencil):'
4. After clicking the edit icon, a configuration will pop up:
5. Begin by entering a Description for the Radius step (this is used for reporting purposes), and choose the Eloqua Credentials we have in our system from the dropdown menu
6. Scroll down to enter the Search Location you would like the Radius app to search for contacts within - you can search within a zip code:
or uncheck the box to search within a specific address:
NOTE: If you choose to search within a specific address, enter the information you have available. Not every field has to be filled out, but it helps Google's API queury.
7. Scroll down and enter the search radius in miles you would like to pull contacts from, and then choose the Eloqua Contact List you would like the app to drop the contacts into that are within the chosen radius:
8. Below that, you can specify the contact fields inside of Eloqua you would like the Radius application to use when searching matching the contact data. If you'd like to use any fields OTHER than ZIP code, check the 'Use custon (non-default) address fields', and then choose as many or as little contact fields you would like the app to search within:
or if you'd like to just use the ZIP code, check the 'Only use contact ZIP code' box:
9. The last field to select is what you would like the application to do after Google's API verifies the contact's address. You can have the application
- Do Nothing
- Overwrite old fields
- Overwrite different fields
NOTE: When the application uses Google's API to confirm/verify a contact's address, Google might discover a typo or a better format than what was written in the contact data fields - this last field allows you the ability to let Google overwrite those old fields with the new information, or you can have Google write that new data to some new contact fields, which allows you to see the differences before overwriting. You can also just select 'Do nothing'.
10. After you have the data filled out in the configuration, click the 'Submit' button. A green 'Success!' message will appear on the configuration, which means the configuration is saved. You can now drop contacts into the Radius Search step, and the contacts that are within the specified area will be added to the chosen Contact List.
Quick notes on the Radius Application logic:
- All queries for the application will use each contact's default address fields to determine if they are within the specified area. Our application will read the default address fields for each contact (Street Address, City, State, ZIP, Country), and convert that location into a latitude and longitude number to see if the contact falls into the specified area.
- You can tell the application to use something OTHER than the contact's default address fields to try and find a match, i.e. if you have custom address fields you'd like the app to use, or you can tell it to only search using the contact's zip code.
- You can also tell the application to run a query for a zip code OR a specified address:
- Using zip code only will convert that zip code to latitude and longitude and will search based off of those numbers
- Using a specific address will ping Google's API to determine the specified area